B92.50059, B9250059 2/2 WAY-VALVE HYD LINE
You can find spare parts, components, replacement components, assemblies and accessories for Grimme on the largest online marketplace in Europe - on Ersatzio.com
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Note: Volumenstrom: 75 L/min - Maximaldruck: 210 bar - Stellung: 2/2 Wege - Anschlüsse: G 1/2 - Steckertyp: G 1/4 - Info: hyd. Betätigt
You can find spare parts, components, replacement components, assemblies and accessories for Grimme on the largest online marketplace in Europe - on Ersatzio.com
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Note: Volumenstrom: 75 L/min - Maximaldruck: 210 bar - Stellung: 2/2 Wege - Anschlüsse: G 1/2 - Steckertyp: G 1/4 - Info: hyd. Betätigt
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